PC Suite for Nokia 8250
Installation Guide
Important Safety Notes
Introduction ...........................................................................................1
Contents ...............................................................................................1
Hardware and software requirements .......................................1
Purchasing services from the network operator .....................1
Selecting Communications Software .........................................2
Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250 .....................................................2
Before You Start ................................................................................2
First Installation Steps .....................................................................2
Select Action ......................................................................................3
Software Licence Agreement ........................................................3
Choose Destination Location .........................................................4
Infrared Connection .........................................................................4
Start Copying Files ............................................................................4
Driver Installation .............................................................................4
Business Card Information .............................................................4
Setup Complete .................................................................................5
Getting Started ......................................................................................5
Short Message Centre Phone Number .......................................5
Data and Fax Communication ......................................................6
Charge in Phone and Computer Batteries ................................6
Signal Strength Affecting Cellular Transmissions ..................6
Troubleshooting .....................................................................................7
Important Safety Notes
All the safety instructions in the user’s guides of your phone and
computer also apply when this product is used for data and fax calls.
Do not point the infrared beam at anyone’s eyes or allow it to interfere
with other devices.
Remember to make backup copies of all important data to protect
against possible loss or alteration.
Introduction 1
You can use the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 in versatile ways to enhance the
usability of your mobile office.
The PC Suite for Nokia 8250 is a software-based solution for you to benefit
fromadvanced communications functionswiththehelpof yourmobilephone.
You can easily link your computer and mobile phone together for sending and
receiving data files, as well as receiving and transmitting faxes. Additionally,
the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 enables you to access short message services
provided by the digital cellular network.
This guide describes how to install the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 onto your PC.
The actual use of the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 is not described here; instead,
you are advised to look at the Online Help of the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 for
more details on the usage of the software.
The PC Suite for Nokia 8250 Online Help is included in the software and you
can access the Help from the Help menu or by clicking the Help button.
When you are making a data call, remember to close the Nokia PC Suite user
You should find the following items:
• the software, including the Online Help
• this installation guide
• the license agreement is included in the Setup and in the Online Help.
Hardware and software requirements
To install and run the PC Suite for Nokia 8250, you should have:
• Windows 95/98 with IrDA connection
• a PC with an Intel Pentium 60 MHz processor or higher. Other computers
may also work.
• at least 9 MB of free disk space
• at least 8 MB of RAM is recommended
Purchasing services from the network operator
Before you can benefit from the functions provided by the program, you must
subscribe to the corresponding services (data, fax or SMS) from your cellular
network operator. The program only works in the GSM 900/GSM 1800 cellular
Some network operators may not provide all data communications services.
Individual operatorscan help you with questions aboutservice availability and
2 Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250
they can also help you to make the necessary changes in your contract to
enable the use of the services.
Selecting Communications Software
To transmit data or faxes from your computer, you need a separate
communicationssoftware package. Thesehave a number of commonfeatures,
including file transfer protocols, terminal emulation, dialling directories,
macro capabilities, and downloading and uploading features. Other programs
that are commonly used in telecommunications include those for data
compression, which are used separately to compress files before they are
transferred in order to reduce transmission time.
Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250
During the Installation, various selections are made. Below you find step-by-
step information on the Setup windows.
lf you want to quit the Setup program without installing or uninstalling, just
click Cancel and the Exit Setup window will offer you the possibility to quit
the Setup program. Click Exit Setup to quit Setup.
lf you want to rerun Setup after having quit the installation before it was
completed, follow the installation steps normally as if you were installing the
program for the first time.
Before You Start
Before installation, make sure that the infrared connection between your
phone and your computer works.
Click the Windows START button and select Control Panel from the Settings
menu. Open Infrared. Then activate the phone’s infrared port from the Infrared
menu and ensure that the infrared ports of the phone and the PC point at each
other. If the connection works, you can begin the setup. If the connection does
not work, you have to install infrared support. Consult the documentation of
your PC for detailed instructions. You will also find more information in the
Troubleshooting section.
First Installation Steps
1 Exit all Windows programs.
2 Unzip the file to a new folder.
3 Run setup.exe from the new folder.
The first window of the Setup will be displayed.
Click Next to continue with the Setup. Setup automatically installs and
configures your Windows modem settings. These control the operation of your
mobile phone and the program.
Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250 3
If the Setup detects an old version of the Infrared and Windows Sockets
information, the Setup updates the information and asks you to restart the
computer. Click Yes to restart the computer. After restart the Nokia PC Suite
Setup should continue automatically.
Select Action
This window only appears if the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 is already installed on
your PC. There are three options available:
• To install, select Install PC Suite for Nokia 8250. Setup then asks you to
confirm the selection in the Application already installed window. Click
Yes to install.
• You can choose to uninstall. To uninstall the program, select Uninstall PC
Suite for Nokia 8250. Setup then asks you to confirm file deletion. In the
Confirm File Deletion window, click Yes to uninstall. After the
uninstallation, run setup.exe again.
• To check the existing installation, select Check PC Suite for Nokia 8250
Click Next to proceed.
Finally, click Next.
Software Licence Agreement
You must read through and accept the Nokia Mobile Phones Licence
Agreement before you can continue with the installation. If you do not accept
the Licence Agreement, you cannot use the program and Setup will stop the
4 Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250
installation of the program. Select the language of the agreement from the
drop-down list box. Click Yes to accept the Licence Agreement.
Choose Destination Location
Setup suggests C:\Program Files\PC Suite for Nokia 8250\ as the default
installation directory. lf you want to install the program in another drive or
directory click Browse.
The program places some files in your Windows directory and automatically
installs and configures the Windows modem settings.
The program itself requires 7.5 MB of disk space, but during the installation
Setup needs approximately 11 MB of disk space. If this is acceptable, click
Next to start the installation.
Infrared Connection
Setuptriesto establish an infrared link between the computer and yourmobile
phone. Activate your mobile phone’s infrared port by selecting the Infrared
menu. Point the infrared port of the phone to the infrared port of the
computer. The preferable distance between the ports is between 15 to 30 cm.
There must be no obstructions between the two devices. Click Next to
Start Copying Files
The Start Copying Files window displays the current settings. Click Next to
proceed and Back to change settings.
Driver Installation
If the test passed, OK appears next to the tested item. In case of a failure,
Failed! is shown. Click Retest to rerun the test or Next to continue.
In case some items failed, refer to the Troubleshooting section for possible
Business Card Information
In this window you can enter your personal information that will be saved in
the program. You can edit the information later by selecting the Options
menu, User command.
Getting Started 5
Setup Complete
The installation of the program has been completed. Select Yes, I want to
restart my computer now to restart your computer. Finally, click Finish.
Please read the Readme file for the latest information about the program.
Getting Started
To start the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 program, click the Windows START
button, point to Programs and PC Suite for Nokia 8250.
The program windows are similar to the Windows program windows. Please
refer to the Windows documentation for basic Windows features.
The program itself consists of four tools: the Contacts Directory, the Short
Message Editor, the Options, and the Business Card. To activate these tools,
you can use the buttons and menu commands of the Monitor window, which
opens when the program is started.
You can use your mobile phone for sending and receiving data with a variety
of Windows compatible fax, terminal, and data programs.
Remember that before you can benefit from the services provided by the
program, you must subscribe to the corresponding services (data, fax or SMS)
from your cellular network operator.
Short Message Centre Phone Number
Before you can send SMS (Short Message Service) messages with the program
and your phone, you need to know the phone number of your local Short
Message Service Centre (SMSC) and have it typed in the SMS settings under
6 Getting Started
the Options window. This number is available from your local cellular network
operator. lf, however, this number is already contained in the memory of your
mobile phone, Setup will retrieve it from there. lf not, you will have to type in
the number manually in Options when you want to send a short message. See
the user’s guide of your phone for more details on storing the short message
centre phone number in the phone memory.
Data and Fax Communication
You can use your mobile phone for sending and receiving data with a variety
of Windows compatible fax, terminal, and data programs. Remember to close
the Nokia PC Suite user interface, when you are making a data call. The data
transfer and fax functions depend on the programs you have chosen, not on
the computer nor this program. For information on how to use a
communications software package, please refer to its documentation for a
step by step description.
The phone’s internal data supports three PC Fax standards: EIA/TIA Class 1,
Class 2 and Class 2.0. lf you have problems using the program for fax
transmission, ensure that the remote end fax machine is Group 3 compatible.
Before you can benefit from the functions provided by the program, you must
subscribe to the corresponding services (data, fax or SMS) from your cellular
network operator.
Charge in Phone and Computer Batteries
The power consumption of the phone is approximately the same for data/fax
calls as it is for voice calls of the same length. For charging the phone battery,
refer to the user's guide of your phone.
You can use the phone with the PC Suite for Nokia 8250 even when the phone
is being charged.
For portable usage, it is recommended that you have a charged computer
battery. lt is possible to charge the battery while in use.
Signal Strength Affecting Cellular Transmissions
When you are sending a fax, data, or an SMS message, you need to be in an
area with network coverage. Cellular connections can be made from most
locations where your mobile phone operates.
Cellular networks differ from landline networks in many ways, for example,
traffic loads and the strength of radio signals may vary in a cellular network
and cause handovers.
lt is recommended that you move the phone to a location where the strongest
possible cellular signal can be obtained. When the signal is strong, cellular
transmission is efficient.
Troubleshooting 7
Read the README file included in the Windows Program Group of the PC
Suite for Nokia 8250.
This chapter points out the basic problems that could occur when you are
installing the program. Below you will find a list of symptoms and possible
actions you can take if you are in any of the following situations.
Setup will not run properly and returns an Error Message stating that the
operation system is not appropriate.
The PC Suite for Nokia 8250 is only compatible with Windows 95/98.
The Setup program does not start properly or is not completed.
It is recommended that you have 8 MB of RAM in your system, and at least
9 MB of free disk space.
Close all unnecessary Windows programs before starting Setup. Also make
sure that there are no MS-DOS programs running in the Windows DOS
Not enough disk space for installation.
There is not enough space for completing the installation on the drive you
have selected. Select another drive for installation or delete unnecessary
files to free additional disk space.
lf you have several hard disk drives in your system and you decide to install
the program on a drive other than the one where your Windows system
files are located, disk space is still required on both drives. The program
will always need to place some files in your Windows directory.
Setup does not accept the destination directory you have typed in.
The program can only be installed to a local drive.
Check if the directory where you are trying to install the program is a READ
ONLY directory. Select another directory or change the settings of the
directory in Explorer (File/Properties - Attributes Window - Read Only
The path to your directory is too long. Select another directory or shorten
the names of the subdirectories.
Mobile phone not found.
Your mobile phone is switched off. The phone must be on during
Also make sure that your phone is in the normal operating mode, in other
words that the possible PIN code has been entered, and so on.
Make sure your phone is fully compatible with the program.
Check that there are no Windows power saving settings selected in your
laptop. These may cause problems with the PC Suite for Nokia 8250.
Check the infrared connection between your mobile phone and your PC.
8 Troubleshooting
Click the Windows START button and select Control Panel from the
Settings menu. If there is no Infrared icon in the Control Panel, infrared
support has not been installed onto your computer. Consult the
documentation of your PC for instructions on installing the infrared
If there is an Infrared icon in the Control Panel, click on the icon to open
the Infrared Monitor. Check from the Options page that Enable infrared
communication is selected. It may be advisable not to select Enable
software install for Plug and Play devices in range as it may interfere with
the installation of the PC Suite for Nokia 8250.
You can then check the infrared connection from the Status page. Activate
your mobile phone’s infrared transfer from the Infrared menu and make
sure that the infrared ports of the two devices are pointing at each other.
If the connection works, the text Infrared communication is in progress
should appear in the Infrared Monitor window.
Troubleshooting 9
If you are using a communication application, for example an e-mail
program, over the GSM network, specify your Nokia 8250 as a modem in
its settings.
The reading of SMS parameters failed.
Your phone did not respond. Check the infrared connection.
You are unable to reinstall the program.
The program is running. Close the program either from the Monitor
Window (File/Exit) or by clicking the icon on the task bar with the right
button of your mouse and by selecting Exit in the pop-up menu. Then try
installing the program again.
Data/fax connection does not succeed.
Before you can benefit from the functions provided by the program, you
must subscribe to the corresponding services (data, fax or SMS) from your
cellular network operator.
The infrared connection does not work.
The preferable distance between the two devices in infrared connection is
one meter at most. There must be no obstructions between the two
devices. The infrared ports of the two devices have to be pointing at each
other. See the documentation of the phone and PC for details.
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